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Sweet Aroma of Bliss

babiesWrapping my babies up snugly in a towel after their bath, holding them close and inhaling the sweet perfume of sweet baby smells, was one of my favorite activities as a mom. The time together wrapped in perfect peace -has become afaded memory that is only recreated when I take a whiff of baby powder.  The other day, our little dog Emerson, tried to “recreate” that moment as he curled up in my lap, laid his head on my chest and began to lightly snore.  Yea – not quite the same because this guy smells like tortillas.  I kid you not and have no idea why.  He’s not that soft and cuddly either.  Yet – that “bonding” time with Emerson just made me miss that special time with my babies even more.  Plus – I suddenly had a craving for chips and salsa.  Perhaps I long for that closeness because I felt as if I was protecting them.  I would feel their anxious hearts slow down to a nice, steady beat of comfort as they drifted off to sleep in my arms.   Don’t get me wrong, I do not want to have babies anymore nor do I want my grown children to be babies any longer.  I am extremely proud of the fantastic young adults they are becoming.  I just occasionally miss those days – especially when they are all headed off in their own directions.  So – young mothers out there – cherish those days of bath time, nap time, playtime and other precious times because time really does fly when you’re having fun.